Category: Salisbury Café Scientifique events
Digital Twins: Scientific and technological breakthrough or marketing ploy?
The March talk will be presented by Prof Ronni Bowman talking about her research into Digital Twins. A digital twin is a virtual model of a real world entity, environment or process. This means that it mimics its real world counterpart in all aspects and can be used to assess safety, functionality and degradation. Digital…
An insight into upper-limb prosthetics
The February talk will be given by Dr Alix Chadwell who will be talking about her work on prosthetics. For a person with limb absence, a prosthesis can be an invaluable part of their life, but many people find that upper-limb prosthetics don’t live up to their expectations. This talk will provide an insight into…
Insights into sustainable farming research
The January talk will be given by Professor Nicola Cannon, Professor of Agriculture at the Royal Agricultural University. Agriculture is under pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero whilst also trying to adapt to changes as a result of Brexit, climate change and erratic commodity and input prices. This talk will evaluate…
Enigma: The making and breaking
The December talk will be given by Alan Watson, OBE, who will be talking about the ciphers and cipher machines. Alan is a former Merchant Navy radio and electronics officer whose duties included codes and ciphers. This sparked a lifelong interest in the subject and led to a collection of machines, including a German Enigma…
Fractals: the maths and the beauty
The November talk will be given by mathematician Emma Bowley. In maths, a fractal is often a shape or pattern that has the property of self-similarity. This means the same structures can be seen at multiple scales (like snowflakes). These fascinating structures have lots of interesting properties in mathematics, but also in the real world.…
Steamology: zero emission steam, heat and power
The October talk will be given by Matt Candy talking about his green startup, Steamology. Steamology was founded to commercially exploit the technology legacy of a successful landspeed world record attempt, to explore the potential of clean green renewable hydrogen steam. Steamology delivers scalable and modular solutions for industrial steam heat and power, embracing the…
The Road Collision Investigation Project: A new approach to road safety
The September talk will be given by Prof Neville Stanton who will be talking about his work on the Road Collision Investigation Project. The Road Collision Investigation Project had the aspiration to establish a Road Safety Investigation Branch (RSIB), similar to those in air, maritime and rail. Initial research was to identify a systemic framework…
Ecology and Conservation of Porton Down
The July talk will be given by Sarah who is an Ecological Officer responsible for conservation and ecology at Dstl. Porton Down is a designated area, protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA) for its Chalk downland, Juniper and Stone-curlew population. There is…
Grey, blue, or green? What colour is hydrogen?
The June talk will be given by Prof. Andrea Russell who will be talking about hydrogen. To meet our net zero goals we must move away from burning fossil fuels for electricity production and transport. A hydrogen economy is based on splitting water to form hydrogen and oxygen and then recombining these by combustion or…
Greengrocers in Dimension 24
The May talk will be given by Prof Gregory Sankaran who will be talking about an interesting pure mathematics problem. What is the most efficient way to pack small spherical objects into a large space? This problem makes sense for spheres of any dimension. It was solved in dimension 2 by bees and in dimension…