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  • Kurzgesagt – ‘In a nutshell’

    Kurzgesagt – ‘In a nutshell’

    Kurzgesagt present a YouTube channel chock full of really interesting, informative science videos presented as humourous, informal animated short films.

  • Mind Games: Trick or Truth?

    Mind Games: Trick or Truth?

    The December talk will be given by Dr. Ed Morrison of the University of Portsmouth who will be talking about what your mind can and cannot do, complete with some demonstrations so you can decide for yourself which claims are fact and which are fake. A thought can be implanted into your mind without you knowing. Your…

  • Einstein’s Secret Universe

    Einstein’s Secret Universe

    The November talk will be given by Dr. Ian Jones of the Gravity Group at the University of Southampton. Dr Jones will be talking about recent groundbreaking discoveries in the field of black holes and astrophysics. On February 11th 2016, something truly remarkable was announced to the world – the detection of gravitational waves from…

  • 100,000 Genomes Project

    The February talk will be given by Dr Catherine Mercer (Consultant Clinical Geneticist, University Hospital Southampton) and Dr Frank Ratcliff (Wessex Academic Health Science Network) who will be talking about their work on the 100,000 Genomes Project. The 100,000 Genomes Project will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people. Participants are NHS patients with a…

  • Join researchers from the University of Southampton to see your invisible Web Reflection with the Web Mirror.

    Join researchers from the University of Southampton to see your invisible Web Reflection with the Web Mirror.

    Our October speaker is organising some events relating to his research, part of the Meaningful Consent in the Digital Economy project whose goals are to understand, re-imagine and re-engineer personal data, privacy and consent. Curious about what your web browsing says about you? Or which companies are tracking you as you browse the web? Join us…

  • Personal Data, Reflections and Control

    Personal Data, Reflections and Control

    The October talk will be given by Richard Gomer of the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Reasearch Group at Southampton University. Richard will be talking about his work examining issues of consent and citizen empowerment with relation to digital technologies.

  • September Talk – UPDATE – Change of Speaker!

    Dr Caroline Wheeler is no longer able to make it so her talk on the Science of Sleep has been replaced by a talk from next year’s programme featuring Dr Adrian Bowyer talking about Self-replicating Manufacturing Machines.

  • Manufacturing for the Masses: Self-replicating Manufacturing Machines

    The September talk will now be given by Dr Adrian Bowyer, the originator of the worldwide RepRap project. Adrian will be talking about his work on 3D printing and self-replicating machines.

  • Events in Salisbury for July

    Events in Salisbury for July

    July has a couple of interesting events which Salisbury Cafe Sci folk may find interesting, in addition of course to our own July talk from Dr David Read talking about his research on biofuels. First is a Question Time style debate looking at the latest developments in the world of genomics, how this is changing medicine and…

  • The Secrets of Forest Gardening

    The Secrets of Forest Gardening

    Later in July is a fundraiser for the Secret Garden, featuring a talk by Maddy Harland, editor of Permaculture Magazine, on the topic of The Secrets of Forest Gardening. An inspirational speaker; Maddy Harland; talks about creating a Forest Garden, and the ideas that support this forward thinking way of using our garden green spaces, for…

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