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The Science of Sleep

Chilled out by Cheetleys
Chilled out by Cheetleys
Poster for Dr Caroline Wheeler
Poster for Dr Caroline Wheeler

The September talk will be given by Dr Caroline Wheeler who will be talking about the science of sleep.

What happens to your body and your mind when you sleep ? When you understand this it’s so much easier to sleep well. She believes that education is the basis of good health; for once you understand the science and the reasons for what you need to do – for those with a scientific mind – it’s easier to implement new strategies and so to be healthier.

Dr Caroline Wheeler recently moved back to the UK from New Zealand where she worked in general practice for 12 years and practiced “good old fashioned medicine“. Due to time constraints, General Practice in the UK  has become very fast paced and prescription based. Caroline’s mission is to bring science back into medicine – at least in her own practice! … now she teaches people how to sleep well by understanding the science of sleep.

In this talk on “The Science of Sleep” she shares with you her passion of bringing science back into the heart of medicine where it belongs…





3 responses to “The Science of Sleep”

  1. […] speaker for the September talk. Dr Caroline Wheeler is no longer able to make it so her talk on the Science of Sleep has been replaced by a talk from next year’s programme featuring Dr Adrian Bowyer talking […]

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