Tag: ecology
Why did the hedgehog cross the road?
The December talk will be given by Hugh Warwick talking about his work with hedgehogs. Hugh Warwick goes where few hedgehogs dare … after countless hours radio tracking, counting, talking about (and to) hedgehogs he is well placed to reveal the truth to that seminal question. He is the spokesperson for the British Hedgehog Preservation…
Ecology and Conservation of Porton Down
The July talk will be given by Sarah who is an Ecological Officer responsible for conservation and ecology at Dstl. Porton Down is a designated area, protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA) for its Chalk downland, Juniper and Stone-curlew population. There is…
Where wild flowers lead, wildlife follows
The March talk will be given by Sue Southway from Plantlife who will be talking about her work as an ecologist. Plantlife is a Salisbury-based British conservation charity that works nationally and internationally to save threatened wild flowers, plants and fungi. Sue will look at their work and in particular take a closer look at…
DOMAINE – Dissolved Organic Matter in Freshwater Ecosystems
The DOMAINE project is a major research project looking at water quality in our rivers, streams and wider ecosystem.
Wessex-BESS survey on the benefits of Wiltshire green places
Wessex BESS are undertaking a community survey to gather information regarding outdoor places and the benefits you get from your local countryside. They need your help! The research is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and results will contribute towards future land management in the county. It is studying different ways that biodiversity…