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DNA Methylation by Christoph Bock, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Genome in Action: The wonderful world of epigenetics.

DNA Methylation by Christoph Bock, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
DNA Methylation by Christoph Bock, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

The February talk will be given by Prof. Deborah Mackay, who will be talking about her research into epigenetics.

Poster for Deborah Mackay
Poster for Deborah Mackay

All the cells in our bodies contain the same DNA, but they’re all doing different things with that DNA.  The epigenetic ability of cells to vary what genes they use is what makes us the amazing, adaptable creatures we are.

From its simple principles to its myriad possibilities, we’ll explore how epigenetics mediates between our DNA and our environment to bring us into being – what we know, what we don’t, and what happens when things go wrong.

Professor Deborah Mackay is Professor of Medical Epigenetics within Medicine at the University of Southampton. She is the laboratory lead of the Wessex Imprinting Group, a translational research group investigating the molecular basis and clinical impact of human imprinting disorders. The group works at the interface of clinical care, diagnosis and research and has unique potential to translate novel research findings into clinical benefit.

Deborah studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, took her PhD in cell biology at ICRF, and began her postdoctoral work as a molecular cell biologist at UCL before developing her current interests in human medical genetics and epigenetics.





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