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A University Technical College for Wiltshire ; Specialising in Science and Engineering for the Defence Industries

Books by kyriamaria
Books by kyriamaria

At the November meeting, Clive Duggleby (General Manager at the Tetricus Science Park) gave an update on the proposed University Technology College in Salisbury. His presentation is made available below and for more information and to contribute to the consultation for employers, residents, potential students and parents please see their website.

University Technology Colleges (UTCs) are brand new schools for 14 to 19-year-olds that specialise in engineering and science. They offer a range of practically-based courses and give students the chance to combine GCSEs and A levels with specialist technical qualifications such as BTECs and NVQs. UTCs operate from 9 to 5 for forty weeks a year in custom-designed facilities and this allows young people to study their chosen subjects in considerable depth and to take part in a wide-range of additional activities that build confidence and employability skills. Students join UTCs either at the start of Year 10 or when they are 16.

There are 34 UTCs currently open or approved in different parts of England each with around 500-800 students. The Government has asked areas to apply by mid-November for funding to prepare a new round of UTCs. Approved bids would go through a long period of consultation and development before opening in September 2014 or 2015.

South Wiltshire has a longstanding connection with the Defence Industries and this will be further strengthened by the Salisbury Plain Super Garrison, the expansion of the Porton Down Science Park and the arrival of the joint Defence Technical Training College in Lyneham. However, relatively few young people in Wiltshire train in Science and Engineering and many leave the area to find work. To help improve the choices for young people in South Wiltshire, a partnership of local education providers and employers is planning to submit an application to set up a Defence Industries UTC in Salisbury. The partnership has been facilitated by Wiltshire Council and includes the University of Southampton, Wiltshire College, The Army and leading local employers like QinetiQ, Chemring Countermeasures and the Tetricus Science Park.

(Source: – Accessed 20/11/2012)

A University Technical College for Wiltshire ; Specialising in Science and Engineering for the Defence Industries from paul cripps





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