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Illustration of the Mary Rose from the Anthony Roll

The Mary Rose

Illustration of the Mary Rose from the Anthony Roll
Illustration of the Mary Rose from the Anthony Roll

The April talk will be given by Dr Philip Roberts of the Mary Rose Trust who will be talking about this famous warship of Henry VIII’s Royal Navy.

Poster for Dr Philip Roberts
Poster for Dr Philip Roberts

In 1545, during a battle with an invading French fleet in the Solent, the Mary Rose capsized and tragically sank, killing about 500 of its crew. As it was King Henry VIII’s favourite ship it was a national disaster.

437 years later the ship was raised from the seabed with over 19,000 Tudor objects and many skeletons. The story of the Mary Rose has made history in underwater archaeology and still is teaching us so much of everyday Tudor life, and ship and contents conservation methods and is making outstanding cutting edge scientific and maritime breakthroughs.

Dr Philip Roberts has a PhD in History and has been a lecturer for the Mary Rose Trust for over 17 years. He has often been a guest historian on BBC Radio Suffolk, had 2 books published; Secrets of the Mary Rose and A History of Whitehall Palace and had the privilege of being invited to the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle last May.





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