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Tag: Wessex Archaeology

  • How science is helping to bring the hidden past back to life

    How science is helping to bring the hidden past back to life

    The talk will cover advances in archaeological science including the location of new sites and the analysis and dating of human remains and material.

  • Archaeology Family Fun Day!

    For those of you with an interest in archaeology and following on from the previous post on archaeological science events at Holcombe, there is also a family fun day this Saturday closer to home on Salisbury Plain. Again, this event forms part of the Festival of British Archaeology being organised by the Council for British…

  • Archaeological Science at the Festival of British Archaeology

    Summertime each year sees the Festival of British Archaeology, organised by the Council for British Archaeology. As part of this and of particular interest to Salisbury Café Scientifique goers, Salisbury’s very own Wessex Archaeology are involved in some special events using various archaeological science techniques just over the border in Somerset.