Tag: University of Bristol
Freezing atoms with light – how and why?
The October talk will be given by Dr Carrie Weidner from the University of Bristol who will be talking about her research into quantum engineering. When people ask my mother what I do for a living, she tells them that I freeze atoms. This is pretty much 100% true, but I don’t make things cold…
DOMAINE – Dissolved Organic Matter in Freshwater Ecosystems
The DOMAINE project is a major research project looking at water quality in our rivers, streams and wider ecosystem.
The science of pedestrian crowds: smart swarms or mindless mobs?
The February talk will be given by Dr Nikolai Bode of the University of Bristol who will be talking about his research into crowds. Large crowds of pedestrians moving through built environments are an everyday occurrence. Examples include passengers moving through transport hubs and people leaving a building during a fire drill. We will explore…
From Lodestone to Hard-drives: an insight into magnetism
The November talk will be given by Dr Chris Bell of the School of Physics, University of Bristol. Magnets have been known to humans for thousands of years, but still evoke confusion and fascination in equal measure. Do we understand magnets? Can they influence biological processes? How much control over them do we have for…