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Tag: science

  • Online science talks

    Online science talks

    Some additional science content to keep you busy over the summer whilst Salisbury Cafe Sci will not be running any talks.

  • Kurzgesagt – ‘In a nutshell’

    Kurzgesagt – ‘In a nutshell’

    Kurzgesagt present a YouTube channel chock full of really interesting, informative science videos presented as humourous, informal animated short films.

  • Ada Lovelace Day 2015

    Tuesday 13th October 2015 is the date for this year’s annual Ada Lovelace Day, celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths.

  • Your Cafe Sci needs you! Sense about Science open discussion

    For the December talk next month on Sense about Science, the speaker, Dr Chris Peters, will give an introduction then discussion will be opened to the floor. So, if you have any myths you would like debunking or need an unbiased account of the scientific evidence surrounding a topic, then please send in your questions.…

  • Autumn Season starts tomorrow evening – Tuesday 2nd September

    The new season of talks for 2014-15 begins tomorrow evening with a humdinger from Prof. David Dunmur on Liquid Crystals: the fourth state of matter and today’s flat-screen displays. His Oxford University Press book is also on promotion at present; David will have some copies with him, so it can be snapped up for the…

  • Sense about Science

    The December talk will be given by Dr. Chris Peters, who will be talking about his work as the Campaigns and Policy officer for Sense about Science, “a charitable trust that equips people to make sense of scientific and medical claims in public discussion.” There will be an opportunity for the audience to hunt down…

  • A University Technical College for Wiltshire ; Specialising in Science and Engineering for the Defence Industries

    At the November meeting, Clive Duggleby (General Manager at the Tetricus Science Park) gave an update on the proposed University Technology College in Salisbury. His presentation is made available below and for more information and to contribute to the consultation for employers, residents, potential students and parents please see their website.

  • Ways to save the oceans

    Following on from the talk given by Dr Simon Cripps of the Dorset Wildlife Trust, here is some more information about ways to get involved and to find out more about conservation and sustainable seafood.

  • Is Science Failing to Save the Oceans?

    The world’s oceans are in a perilous state, but because they are remote and underwater we often don’t see how bad things are. Overfishing, bycatch, pollution and climate change take their toll. We know so much about the oceans and they are so important to our survival that science should have solved the problems. .…

  • London Science Festival

    Following on from the National Science and Engineering Week, there is also the new London Science Festival later on in the year. London Science Festival is a brand new festival for London in 2011, which was founded with the mission to inspire and engage the public in all things scientific, from natural science to science…