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Tag: genomics

  • Cave deposits above the Arctic Circle – a window into past human and animal distribution in the far north

    Cave deposits above the Arctic Circle – a window into past human and animal distribution in the far north

    The January talk will be given by Dr Sam Walker from Bournemouth University who will be talking about his research into ancient fauna. When the Glaciers retreated during the end of the Late Glacial (c. 14,600-12,900 BP) and into the Early Holocene (11,700-7300 BP), Northern Europe experienced extreme environmental and climatic changes. As the climate…

  • 100,000 Genomes Project

    The February talk will be given by Dr Catherine Mercer (Consultant Clinical Geneticist, University Hospital Southampton) and Dr Frank Ratcliff (Wessex Academic Health Science Network) who will be talking about their work on the 100,000 Genomes Project. The 100,000 Genomes Project will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people. Participants are NHS patients with a…

  • Events in Salisbury for July

    Events in Salisbury for July

    July has a couple of interesting events which Salisbury Cafe Sci folk may find interesting, in addition of course to our own July talk from Dr David Read talking about his research on biofuels. First is a Question Time style debate looking at the latest developments in the world of genomics, how this is changing medicine and…

  • Future Debates: Genome Data Privacy

    Future Debates: Genome Data Privacy

    a Question Time style debate with a panel of experts including medical professionals, scientists and philosophers on the topic of “Is my Genome Result Just for Me?”