Tag: design
Bloodhound is go!
Following on from the April 2017 talk, an update on the recent live runs of the Bloodhound SSC car as it continues on track to break the 1000mph target speed.
The Bloodhound project: From 0-1000mph
The April talk will be given by Alan Frener, Ambassador for the BLOODHOUND SSC project, a unique, high-technology project to design and build a car that will break the 1,000mph barrier and set a new world land speed record. Designed and constructed in the UK, BLOODHOUND SSC includes components and sponsorship from international companies and…
Rematerialise Sustainable Materials Library
Materials can be recycled, re-processed, renewed and reduced. Â Designers have a crucial collaborative role to pla, for material development to continue to have less impact upon the environment. Â Up to 90% of the material that we throw away is recoverable. Â Someone somewhere has the imagination and the ingenuity to turn this rubbish into a resource.…