Tag: archaeology
Cave deposits above the Arctic Circle – a window into past human and animal distribution in the far north
The January talk will be given by Dr Sam Walker from Bournemouth University who will be talking about his research into ancient fauna. When the Glaciers retreated during the end of the Late Glacial (c. 14,600-12,900 BP) and into the Early Holocene (11,700-7300 BP), Northern Europe experienced extreme environmental and climatic changes. As the climate…
How science is helping to bring the hidden past back to life
The talk will cover advances in archaeological science including the location of new sites and the analysis and dating of human remains and material.
Archaeology Family Fun Day!
For those of you with an interest in archaeology and following on from the previous post on archaeological science events at Holcombe, there is also a family fun day this Saturday closer to home on Salisbury Plain. Again, this event forms part of the Festival of British Archaeology being organised by the Council for British…