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Gym Dumbbells For Working Out

Navigating Puberty: Optimising the Physical Development of Young People

The April talk will be given by Chris Ford talking about his work as an Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach with the UKSCA.

Human bodies are amazing, capable of adapting and evolving over time. Puberty creates the largest changes and challenges for the body which can have long lasting effects. Understanding what happens during maturation and how we can make sure the body grows effectively is vital for development into physically functional adults and can be the make or break time to becoming an elite athlete.

This talk will explore what changes occur during puberty and how appropriate training can help this development, allowing us to lead physically active lives without pain or perform to our sporting best.

Chris is an Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach with the UKSCA and is currently programme lead for the Strength and Conditioning degree and lead Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Winchester. He has worked in several different sports with youth to senior athletes. His training philosophy centres on developing excellent movement mechanics and improving force development.


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