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Duncan Dallas

Duncan Dallas
Duncan Dallas

Some of you will have heard the sad news of the death of the founder of the Café Scientifique movement, Duncan Dallas. The Guardian wrote an obituary for him (24th April, 2014) and there will be a memorial event and reception to be held on Tuesday 29th April, at 2pm in Leeds City Museum.

The Guardian wrote:

Duncan Dallas, who has died aged 73, was the founder of Café Scientifique, whose worldwide success has transformed the dissemination of challenging ideas and issues among people at every age and stage of education. A man of charm, exuberance and vigour, Dallas adapted the longstanding practice of tavern talk to Nobel prize subjects. “Ace caff with nice prof attached,” quipped Tim Radford in the Guardian (adapting the Victoria & Albert Museum’s promotional campaign) at the London launch in 2002.

The news was reported on the Café Scientifique website as follows:

Duncan Dallas, founder of cafe scientifique in the UK, died recently after a short illness.

A memorial event and reception will be held on Tuesday 29th April, at 2pm in Leeds City Museum. Duncan’s children want to invite all those who knew Duncan or were part of the cafe sci family to join them on the day. Donations towards the Cafe Sci-Uganda project – a project very close to Duncan’s heart – will be welcomed in lieu of flowers.

Duncan was founder, guru and long-standing friend of cafe scientifique. He did so much to spread the message of cafe scientifique world-wide and will be missed by friends and cafe organisers in the UK, Europe, the USA and Africa. Please feel free to leave a remembrance or read the comments of those who knew Duncan here.

His passing is a great loss to science the world over. He will be missed.

With thanks to Chris Worfolk for the photograph of Duncan.





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