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Category: Events

  • Sherborne Science Cafe – upcoming events for 2014

    The programme of events for Sherborne Science Cafe up to and including June has been added to the Salisbury Cafe Sci calendar. You can see these events on the calendar by turning on the ‘Other Café Scientifique‘ category (please see the help page for instructions to do this if you are unsure) or you can…

  • Green Energy Materials in 3D

    The March 2014 talk will be given by Prof. M Saiful Islam who is Professor of Computational Materials Chemistry at the University of Bath. Saiful is leading the team working on advanced computer modelling methods with structural techniques in the study of new solid state materials especially related to “clean energy” applications. With the help…

  • Why the world needs a Renaissance of Small Farming

    The February 2014 talk will be given by Colin Tudge, author and campaigner. He has written the books Good food for everyone forever and Why Genes are not selfish and people are nice. With his wife, Ruth West, he co-founded The Campaign for Real Farming.

  • Genetics and the breeding of the Honey Bee

    Tony is a geneticist at the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory at Salisbury District Hospital and Chairman of the Salisbury Bee Keepers’ Group. In this talk Tony will be combining both his ‘day job’ and his hobby to explain why genetic fitness is important in the bee population.

  • Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays

    The December talk will be given by Dr Ryan Nichol, a Royal Society Research Fellow in the High Energy Physics Group at University College London. He describes his work as “utilising neutrinos and cosmic rays to investigate the Universe at the smallest and largest scales imaginable.” Ryan works on a range of projects including the…

  • Managing the Space Environment

    The November talk will be given by Prof. Richard Crowther, Chief Engineer at the UK Space Agency. He will be talking about his work focussing on managing our shared use of space. He is also currently Head of the UK delegations to the Inter-Agency Debris Committee whose role is defined as: The Inter-Agency Space Debris…

  • Dogs may Understand Human Point of View

    The October talk will be given by Dr Juliane Kaminski of the Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth. As the title suggests, the topic for the evening will be dogs with an insight into how they think. Domestic dogs are much more likely to steal food when they think nobody can see them, suggesting for…

  • How to ruin the best university system in the world

    The September talk will be given by Prof Chris Rhodes who is making a welcome return to talk to us. Professor Chris Rhodes is Director of Fresh-lands Environmental Actions and is based in Reading. He has written numerous scientific articles and recently published his first novel, a black comedy on the disintegration of the British…

  • Calendar updates

    The calendar now has the dates for all the talks through to February 2014. Posters and further details will be posted as soon as they are available. There’s a gap for August as there is no meeting in August. There is also a gap in September but rest assured there will be a meeting, the…

  • Whose water is it anyway…?

    The July talk will follow a slightly different format; a discussion on the topic of water will be led by Paul Stanfield of Wessex Water. All contributions very welcome! And don’t forget, this will be the last talk before the summer recess; there is no meeting in August.