Category: Events
Dangerous Business: Space Ethics and Risk
The July talk will be given by Dr. Tony Milligan, lecturer in philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire and writer on applied issues in ethics. His recent book, Nobody Owns the Moon: The Ethics of Space Exploitation, explores some of the ethical dilemmas which are raised by human activity off-world. Human activity in space promises…
Bees, Pesticides & Politics
The June talk will be given by Prof. Dave Goulson of the University of Sussex. There is considerable controversy surrounding the harm that neonicotinoid insecticides may be doing to bee populations. We are in the middle of a 2 year EU moratorium on their use, but the UK Government and NFU are strongly opposed to…
Forest Science and The Environment
The February talk will be given by Prof. Julian Evans OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, FICFor, President of the U.K.’s professional forestry body The Institute of Chartered Foresters and chair of The Forestry Commission’s Expert Committee on Forest Science. Forests cover more than a quarter of the world’s land surface, but how sustainable are they? Can…
Après le déluge: how might we live with flooding?
The January talk will be given by Dr Hadrian Cook who lives in Salisbury and teaches Sustainable Development at Kingston University. He has a background in earth sciences and hydrology, and interests in catchment management and environmental history. January 2014 saw dreadful flooding across much of England, and not for the first time in recent…
Your Cafe Sci needs you! Sense about Science open discussion
For the December talk next month on Sense about Science, the speaker, Dr Chris Peters, will give an introduction then discussion will be opened to the floor. So, if you have any myths you would like debunking or need an unbiased account of the scientific evidence surrounding a topic, then please send in your questions.…
The Life Scientific – Dave Goulson
One of our upcoming speakers for next year, Prof. Dave Goulson, is featured on Prof. Jim Al-Khalili‘s Radio 4 science programme The Life Scientific. You can catch the programme here on iPlayer.
Thomas Hardye School Community Lectures 2014-15
The Thomas Hardye School Community Lecture series has some great talks this year: The full programme of events through to April 2015 is now on the calendar here. Venue: All lectures will take place in the School Theatre Time: All lectures start at 7.00pm Admission: Free of Charge, tickets available from school reception from 9.00…
Institute of Physics lectures in Salisbury; Making small machines, from millimetres to molecules – Dr Jack Cohen
The South West Branch of the Institute of Physics regularly have events in Salisbury. The next one will be in November (18th) with Dr Jack Cohen of the University of Warwick talking about his research on very, very small machines. In this talk I will give a broad consideration of methods and examples of making…
Festival of Learning 2014
This week at Bournemouth University, there are over 150 free events taking place as part of the Festival of Learning – which is open to the public. Fancy going on a kitchen safari to see what bacteria lurk in your food? How about unleashing your inner monkey, uncovering the history that lies beneath Hengistbury Head,…
Sense about Science
The December talk will be given by Dr. Chris Peters, who will be talking about his work as the Campaigns and Policy officer for Sense about Science, “a charitable trust that equips people to make sense of scientific and medical claims in public discussion.” There will be an opportunity for the audience to hunt down…