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Category: Salisbury Café Scientifique events

  • 100,000 Genomes Project

    The February talk will be given by Dr Catherine Mercer (Consultant Clinical Geneticist, University Hospital Southampton) and Dr Frank Ratcliff (Wessex Academic Health Science Network) who will be talking about their work on the 100,000 Genomes Project. The 100,000 Genomes Project will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people. Participants are NHS patients with a…

  • Personal Data, Reflections and Control

    Personal Data, Reflections and Control

    The October talk will be given by Richard Gomer of the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Reasearch Group at Southampton University. Richard will be talking about his work examining issues of consent and citizen empowerment with relation to digital technologies.

  • September Talk – UPDATE – Change of Speaker!

    Dr Caroline Wheeler is no longer able to make it so her talk on the Science of Sleep has been replaced by a talk from next year’s programme featuring Dr Adrian Bowyer talking about Self-replicating Manufacturing Machines.

  • Manufacturing for the Masses: Self-replicating Manufacturing Machines

    The September talk will now be given by Dr Adrian Bowyer, the originator of the worldwide RepRap project. Adrian will be talking about his work on 3D printing and self-replicating machines.

  • A Wail in the Ocean

    The May talk will be given by Professor Paul White, director of the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at the University of Southampton who holds a chair in Statistical Signal Processing. Paul will be talking about his research into sound and cetaceans. Sound plays a vital role in the life of whales and…

  • Did the earth move for you? The rise and fall of our continents

    The April talk will be given by Finn Illsley-Kemp who will be talking about his research into seismology. Plate tectonics is the fundamental theory behind the evolution of our planet. It can explain the highest mountains and the deepest oceans. Despite this it is a relatively new scientific idea and there remain many unanswered questions. Seismologists…

  • Harnessing Genetic Technologies to Improve Community Healthcare Outcomes

    The March talk will be given by Dr Emma Baple, Honorary Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Southampton, Consultant in Clinical Genetics at University Hospital Southampton and Clinical Lead for Rare Disease Validation and Feedback at Genomics England.

  • Tenth Anniversary!

    The January talk will be the tenth anniversary of Salisbury Cafe Scientifique. During that period there have been over a hundred fascinating talks on a broad range of subjects.

  • The Science of Doctor Who: From Time Travel to Alien Worlds

    The December talk will be given by Dr Edward Gomez who will be talking abbout the science behind Doctor Who. His day job is as an astronomer and education director for Las Cumbres Observatory, based at Cardiff University. 

  • The Science of Sleep

    The September talk will be given by Dr Caroline Wheeler who will be talking about the science of sleep. What happens to your body and your mind when you sleep ? When you understand this it’s so much easier to sleep well. She believes that education is the basis of good health; for once you…