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Category: Salisbury Café Scientifique events

  • Plague!

    Prof. Petra Oyston of DSTL will be giving the February talk on the topic of plague. Her talk will cover: A brief history of Plague Pandemics and their impact The lifestyle of the bug The evolution of the bug from a stomach bug to the present ‘nasty’ bug Current efforts to develop a vaccine Usual…

  • Mosquitos

    Jolyon Medlock of the Health Protection Agency returns to Cafe Sci this month on January 8th to talk about mosquitos. He will be covering some of the key topics relating to these pesky biting insects including their life cycle, diseases caused by them, and their distribution and abundance. He will also look at ways in…

  • The liquid nitrogen show

    This coming Tuesday 4th December is the world famous liquid nitrogen show, performed by our very own Margaret Clayton. A family friendly event, suitable for children from juniors upwards but equally entertaining for anyone aged nine to ninety-nine.

  • Event times – oops!

    Due to a small problem with the calendar, some upcoming events were listed as starting at 6pm. Just to confirm that all forthcoming events start at 7pm as usual; doors open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. The calendar has been updated and now shows the correct times. Sorry about that; the calendar imps…

  • What’s the problem with Maths?

    David Acheson is an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. He now lectures and writes books on mathematics for the general public. He is the author of 1089 and All That, and was President of the Mathematical Association for 2010-11. Why are so many people scared of maths? Above all, the subject is full of…

  • Rematerialise Sustainable Materials Library

    Materials can be recycled, re-processed, renewed and reduced.  Designers have a crucial collaborative role to pla, for material development to continue to have less impact upon the environment.  Up to 90% of the material that we throw away is recoverable.  Someone somewhere has the imagination and the ingenuity to turn this rubbish into a resource.…

  • July meeting – A double bill!

    We are very lucky to have two speakers for the July meeting! There is a medical theme with both speakers coming to us from Liverpool where they work as consultants in the NHS.

  • Why our food is making us fat

    We are, on average, 3st heavier than we were in the 60s. And not because we’re eating more or exercising less – we just unwittingly became sugar addicts An article in the Guardian which is closely related to an earlier talk by Prof Rod Bilton and Dr Larry Booth, of the School of Biomolecular Sciences,…

  • The UK alcohol scene and issues of liver transplantation; facts and figures

    Following on from Prof. Roger Williams talk for the May Café Scientifique meeting, we are very please to have an edited version of his presentation online. This contains many of the facts and figures used to support his arguments and is most informative.

  • Being There – Immersive Entertainment!

    Please note change of date: this talk will now be held a week earlier on 29th May! Dr Nick Lodge is a former head of R&D for the UK’s commercial TV sector, has a PhD in digital HDTV, an MBA in the exploitation of technology and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering &…