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  • Bloodhound is go!

    Bloodhound is go!

    Following on from the April 2017 talk, an update on the recent live runs of the Bloodhound SSC car as it continues on track to break the 1000mph target speed.

  • Wildlife and Management of Coombe Bissett Down Nature Reserve

    The November talk will be given by Ashley White from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust talking about her work at Coombe Bissett Nature Reserve.

  • Intermediate Ballistics

    Intermediate Ballistics

    The October talk will be given by Dr Aimee Helliker of Cranfield University who will be talking about her research into Intermediate Ballistics. This exciting field of research concerns the time between a projectile leaving the muzzle of a firearm until the moment the pressure behind the projectile is equalised; we can look forward to a…

  • Chasing Thunderstorms

    Chasing Thunderstorms

    The September talk will be given by Dr Thorwald Stein of the University of Reading. How quickly do thunderstorm develop? Why do only some clouds produce lightning? Can we predict where and when lightning will strike? Thorwald Stein is a Lecturer in Clouds in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading. His primary…

  • Pub Acoustics, Soundscapes and Beer

    Pub Acoustics, Soundscapes and Beer

    In a change to the programme, the July talk will now be given by Juan Battaner-Moro from Southampton Solent University who will be talking about how sound can affect your pub experience.

  • Winds of Change – A return to sail powered cargo ships

    Winds of Change – A return to sail powered cargo ships

    The June talk will be given by Dr Richard Pemberton of Plymouth University. Richard will be talking about his research into the future of sail powered ships.

  • The Bloodhound project: From 0-1000mph

    The Bloodhound project: From 0-1000mph

    The April talk will be given by Alan Frener, Ambassador for the BLOODHOUND SSC project, a unique, high-technology project to design and build a car that will break the 1,000mph barrier and set a new world land speed record. Designed and constructed in the UK, BLOODHOUND SSC includes components and sponsorship from international companies and…

  • The Origin of Species in 45 minutes

    The Origin of Species in 45 minutes

    The March talk will be given by Dr Neil Gostling from the University of Southampton. Neil will be talking about what Darwin did and didn’t say in that most famous published work on evolution by natural selection.

  • Toothpaste, Custard and Chocolate: Maths gets messy

    The May talk will be given by Prof. Helen Wilson of University College London who will be talking about her research into complex fluids. This talk will look at mathematical modelling of real, complex fluids in flow situations – some with serious commercial applications, and some just for fun. We’ll spend most of the time…

  • Making Things Work in the Mysterious Metastable World

    The January talk will be given by Prof. Chick Wilson of the University of Bath who will be talking about some clever chemistry. From stopping garden swings in defiance of gravity to colour changing cars and incredibly tiny on-off switches, Bath Chemist Professor Chick Wilson invites you into his Mysterious Metastable World. Chick will explain…

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