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  • The future is…? A look at AI in 2023

    The future is…? A look at AI in 2023

    The April talk has unfortunately been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances; David Read’s talk will be rescheduled. As such, we have an emergency stand in speaker: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way and can now be found all around us. This talk will look at where the current crop of AI systems came…

  • The 74th British Mathematical Colloquium

    The 74th British Mathematical Colloquium

    The 74th British Mathematical Colloquium will be held at the University of Bath from Monday April 3rd to Thursday 6th 2023. This includes a public lecture entitled The n most important Symbols in Mathematics, details available here. You can join the mailing list for announcements here: is a mailbox for general queries: Twitter: @BathBMC2023 

  • Colour Perception

    Colour Perception

    The March talk will be given by Dr Christopher Witzel who will be talking about his research into colour perception.  Is our perception and understanding of the world determined through genetically fixed and preprogramed mechanisms? Or, are they shaped through learning and experience with the physical and social environment? The answers to these questions are…

  • Chemistry: Solving the World’s Problems

    Chemistry: Solving the World’s Problems

    Humankind faces many challenges including the climate crisis, plastic pollution and healthcare among others. Chemistry lies at the heart of many potential solutions, but only in partnership with a wide range of other disciplines. Chemists need to collaborate with others, including biologists, engineers, politicians and economists, to implement these solutions at scale and in short…

  • The First Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe

    The First Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe

    Although supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are found at the centers ofmost massive galaxies today, over 200 quasars (actively accretingSMBHs) have now been discovered at redshifts z > 6, less than abillion years after the big bang.  Their discovery beginning in 2003posed serious challenges to paradigms of cosmic structure formationbecause it was not understood how such…

  • Normal service will hopefully be resumed in the near future…

    Normal service will hopefully be resumed in the near future…

    You may have noticed the website has a new look. This wasn’t planned. During the ‘covid years’, lots of websites such as ours suffered an unprecedented level of nefarious activity from all kinds of people, from those looking to exploit websites to use in criminal activities to kids doing the digital equivalent of breaking in…

  • Welcome to 2023!

    Welcome to 2023!

    The 2022/2023 programme continues on 10th January, usual place, usual time. As usual, the January event is delayed by a week to provide a bit of space after Christmas and New Year.

  • Online science talks

    Online science talks

    Some additional science content to keep you busy over the summer whilst Salisbury Cafe Sci will not be running any talks.

  • Update on COVID-19 lockdown

    Update on COVID-19 lockdown

    During this time of lockdown, with events such as ours having had to be cancelled, we wanted to stay in touch and update you regarding the remaining talks this season.

Got any book recommendations?