Each month, we get a number of requests for booking places at our events. In most cases, there is no need; our events are free to attend and booking is not required.
The venue is spacious and can accommodate large audiences and thanks to the generosity of our speakers and organisers, there is no need to charge for entry (although we do ask for donations to help cover running costs).
To help would be visitors, this we’ve updated the venue page to include all relevant information for those wishing to attend. Further information is available on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
So please do check out the website and we look forward to seeing you at a forthcoming event 🙂
Our regular programme of Café Scientifique Salisbury events are free to attend and there is no need to book places. For special events, there may be a small charge and booking may be required but these are typically in addition to the usual programme of events. Keep up to date with all our activities via Twitter, Facebook or sign up to our mailing list. Feel free to contact us with any queries although you may find the answer you need in our Frequently Asked Questions.
There are collection tins at the venue and any donations are gratefully received; we use these to help cover running costs and make modest contributions to speakers expenses (only where necessary; speakers are not paid to give talks and in most cases they cover their own expenses too).
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