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Tag: University of Portsmouth

  • The First Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe

    The First Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe

    Although supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are found at the centers ofmost massive galaxies today, over 200 quasars (actively accretingSMBHs) have now been discovered at redshifts z > 6, less than abillion years after the big bang.  Their discovery beginning in 2003posed serious challenges to paradigms of cosmic structure formationbecause it was not understood how such…

  • Mind Games: Trick or Truth?

    Mind Games: Trick or Truth?

    The December talk will be given by Dr. Ed Morrison of the University of Portsmouth who will be talking about what your mind can and cannot do, complete with some demonstrations so you can decide for yourself which claims are fact and which are fake. A thought can be implanted into your mind without you knowing. Your…