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Tag: maths

  • The Numbers in our Daily Lives

    The Numbers in our Daily Lives

    The September talk will be given by Prof. Jim Anderson of the University of Southampton. In this talk, Jim will take you on an illustrated tour of some of the numbers that make (somewhat) surprising appearances in different aspects of our daily lives. Jim Anderson is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Southampton, specializing…

  • Simple mathematical questions we don’t know how to answer

    Simple mathematical questions we don’t know how to answer

    The November talk will be given by Prof. Jim Anderson who will be talking about some rather difficult mathematical problems.

  • Ada Lovelace Day 2015

    Tuesday 13th October 2015 is the date for this year’s annual Ada Lovelace Day, celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths.

  • What’s the problem with Maths?

    David Acheson is an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. He now lectures and writes books on mathematics for the general public. He is the author of 1089 and All That, and was President of the Mathematical Association for 2010-11. Why are so many people scared of maths? Above all, the subject is full of…