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Sense about Science

The sound of science by  Ahd Photography
The sound of science by Ahd Photography

Sense about Science
Sense about Science

The December talk will be given by Dr. Chris Peters, who will be talking about his work as the Campaigns and Policy officer for Sense about Science, “a charitable trust that equips people to make sense of scientific and medical claims in public discussion.”

There will be an opportunity for the audience to hunt down any scientific claims in advance and ask for the evidence – then share their experiences during the discussion!

Remember, if you’re ever in need of help or comment on a difficult or controversial area of science, you can contact Sense about Science for help.

Poster for Dr. Chris Peters
Poster for Dr. Chris Peters

This amazing organisation describes itself as follows:

With a database of over 6,000 scientists, from Nobel prize winners to postdocs and PhD students, we work in partnership with scientific bodies, research publishers, policy makers, the public and the media, to change public discussions about science and evidence.

Through award-winning public campaigns, we share the tools of scientific thinking and scrutiny. Our growing international Voice of Young Science network engages hundreds of early career researchers in public debates about research and evidence.

Our activities and publications are used and shaped by community groups, civic bodies, patient organisations, information services, writers, publishers, educators, health services and many others.



One response to “Sense about Science”

  1. […] the December talk next month on Sense about Science, the speaker, Dr Chris Peters, will give an introduction then […]

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