The world’s oceans are in a perilous state, but because they are remote and underwater we often don’t see how bad things are. Overfishing, bycatch, pollution and climate change take their toll. We know so much about the oceans and they are so important to our survival that science should have solved the problems. . . . shouldn’t it? Using real life fisheries examples in an interactive presentation, Simon will examine how science, politics, big business and organised crime can impact our lives and our environment.
Dr Simon Cripps is an oceanographer. He recently moved back to the UK after 20 years abroad to become Chief Executive of Dorset Wildlife Trust. Simon’s previous job was as WWF’s Global Marine Director based in Geneva. He was responsible for the world’s largest marine conservation programme and was WWF’s spokesperson on fisheries issues and their representative at the United Nations. Before that he was nearly a decade based in Norway working for the oil industry and before that a researcher in sewage in Sweden (!) after a doctorate in fish-farm engineering.
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