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Forest Science and The Environment

A Forest by Alias 0591
A Forest by Alias 0591

Poster for Prof Julian Evans
Poster for Prof Julian Evans

The February talk will be given by Prof. Julian Evans OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, FICFor, President of the U.K.’s professional forestry body The Institute of Chartered Foresters and chair of The Forestry Commission’s Expert Committee on Forest Science.

Forests cover more than a quarter of the world’s land surface, but how sustainable are they? Can our insatiable demand for timber be satisfied? And what about the wider environment and the role forests play in helping regulate our climate globally and hydrology at a landscape scale?

Prof Evans was formerly Professor of Forestry at Imperial College and previously the Forestry Commission’s Chief Research Officer (South) at the Alice Holt Research Station in Surrey. He is author of more than 100 scientific papers and author or a principal editor of 15 books including the Encyclopedia of Forest Science.

His most recent book (2014) combines his passion for forestry with his Christian commitment, God’s Trees – trees, forests and wood in the Bible.


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