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3D printing acoustics active colloids AHVLA AI air pollution alcohol alien Amish ancestor archaeological science archaeology arithmetic Artificial Intelligence astronomy attention Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder bacteria badger Balkans ballistics Basingstoke battery bio-safety biodiversity bioengineering biofuel biological science Biology biomedical science biosensor bird black hole Bournemouth University brain breeding Bright Club British Trust for Ornithology bubbles bumblebee bus butterfly cabaret calculation Cambridge campaign cancer car cargo ship cartography chartered institute Checkhov chemical education chemical pathology chemistry Churches Conservation Trust cipher climate change cloud coaching code code breaking codebreaker Cognitive Neuroscience collective behaviour colour comedy community computer computer science computing condensed matter physics conditioning conservation conspiracy theory cooking Coombe Bissett cosmic ray cosmology Council for British Archaeology Cranfield University crowds cryptography crystal sponge cuckoo cyber security dairy data deep learning design diet digital collections digital forensics digital micrograph digital twin digitisation disability disease distraction DNA doctor Doctor Who dog dorchester Dr Who DSTL earth science ebola ecology Eden Project education EGS Energy Einstein elements energy engineering Enigma entertainment entomology environment epigenetics ethics evolutionary linguistics exercise exploration explosives faeces fame family farming fauna Festival of British Archaeology flat screen flock flooding fluids fluoride food food science forensics foresters fossil fracking fractal fuel fuel cell functional inorganic chemistry Galapagos garden gardening gene genetics genmed genomics Genomics England geology geomatics geothermal GKN GNSS gravity green green energy gut health healthcare hedgehog Henry VIII herbarium Heritage Lottery Fund history HIV homo erectus honey bee horticulture hospital human development human evolution hybrid power hydrogen immersive immune system immunology Individual differences infinity insect Institute of Continuing Education International Year of Light internet IoP itinerary journalism kidney land management lcd light light microscopy liquid crystals liquid nitrogen liver machine machine learning magnetism map Mary Rose materials materials chemistry mathematical science mathematics maths meadow media medical engineering medicine memory metal-organic frameworks meteorology microbe microbiology microbiome microplastic microscope migration milk mind Mind wandering miniaturisation molecules morality mosquito moth multimedia munitions museum nanomaterials National Oceanographic Centre National Physics Laboratory National Poo Museum natural history Natural History Museum nature nature reserve navigation net zero neutrino news NHS nightingale NOC numerical nutrition ocean ocean science Ohio oncology online optical computing optoelectronics orthotics Oxford Brookes University palaeozoology pandemic particle accelerator pathology perception permaculture personal information PHE PHLS physical geography physics physiology pineal gland place plague plant Plantlife plastic plate tectonics policy poo Porton Down power prehistory privacy prosthetic limb prosthetics psychology pub public engagement pure mathematics pyrotechnics quantum quantum computing Quantum Engineering quantum mechanics recognition recycling resuscitation rheology risk road safety rocket route Royal Agricultural University Royal Holloway Royal Navy RTI sail power Sakhalin Salisbury Plain science Science Fiction scifi Secret Garden security sedimentology self replicating sense about science Sherborne ship shoal Siberia silk moth skylark solar system Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society Somerset County Council soundscape Southampton Solent University space space debris space rocket speed record speleology sport stand up statistics Stonehenge strength super massive black hole supramolecular chemistry survey sustainability swarm swift synchrotron technology television tetricus Thomas Hardye School time travel TLS transplant TST Tudor UCL UFO University College London University Hospital Southampton University of Bath University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Exeter University of Hertfordshire University of Kent University of Liverpool University of London University of Manchester University of Plymouth University of Portsmouth University of Reading University of Southampton University of Winchester vaccine variety vehicle video VLA warship water wave particle duality weather Wellcome Trust Wessex Archaeology Wessex Water wild flower wildlife Wiltshire Wildlife Trust work related illness World War II World Wide Web wreck zooarchaeology zoonotic disease
Jul 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
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