Category: Salisbury Café Scientifique events
Milk: Friend or Foe…?
The October talk will be given by Prof. Ian Givens, professor of Food Chain Nutrition at the University of Reading. Milk and dairy products have had a mixed press in recent times, from being blamed for cancer, diabetes, allergies and even acne, to being praised for their benefits as ‘superfoods’. Dairy products are an important…
Liquid Crystals: the fourth state of matter and today’s flat-screen displays
The September talk will be given by Prof. David Dunmur, visiting professor at the University of Manchester in the Liquid Crystal Group and co-author of Soap, Science and Flatscreen TVs (with Tim Sluckin). Although liquid crystals were discovered 125 years ago, they might have been forgotten as a scientific backwater had not a little known…
Med-Vet-Net – Co-ordinated research on Zoonotic Diseases in Europe
The July talk will be given by Prof. Dianne Newell of the Food-borne Zoonoses Consultancy. Amongst her many achievements, including an OBE for services to science, Dianne was the driving force behind the Med-Vet-Net project about which she will be speaking: Dianne initiated, designed, planned, implemented and directed the EU-funded Network of Excellence Med-Vet-Net. This…
The Russian Doctor
The June talk will be given by performer Andrew Dawson, with neurophysiologist Jonathan Cole. They will be presenting their work the Russian Doctor. For this month only, we would like to encourage donations of £5 to cover the additional costs of this event. Your help with this would be most appreciated; big thanks in advance!…
The Russian Doctor
The June talk will be given by performer Andrew Dawson, with neurophysiologist Jonathan Cole. They will be talking about their project the Russian Doctor. In 1890, Anton Chekhov journeyed alone for three months across 5,000 miles of Siberian wilderness to make good on his commitment to medicine. His destination: the remote Tsarist penal colony of…
Climate Change: what is happening, and what can we do about it?
The May talk will be given by Professor John Shepherd FRS of the National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton. The science of climate change predicts global warming of several degree Centigrade by 2100 if the CO2 level in the atmosphere continues to increase to double its pre-industrial level – and it is now going to…
Swarming, flocking and shoaling
April’s talk will be given by Prof. Matthew S Turner of the Department of Physics, University of Warwick. Interactions between social animals can lead to “emergent†collective behavior that cannot be inferred by studying any one individual. Such interactions can be very powerful. Indeed, they can be said to have led to the emergence of…
Green Energy Materials in 3D
The March 2014 talk will be given by Prof. M Saiful Islam who is Professor of Computational Materials Chemistry at the University of Bath. Saiful is leading the team working on advanced computer modelling methods with structural techniques in the study of new solid state materials especially related to “clean energy†applications. With the help…
Why the world needs a Renaissance of Small Farming
The February 2014 talk will be given by Colin Tudge, author and campaigner. He has written the books Good food for everyone forever and Why Genes are not selfish and people are nice. With his wife, Ruth West, he co-founded The Campaign for Real Farming.
Genetics and the breeding of the Honey Bee
Tony is a geneticist at the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory at Salisbury District Hospital and Chairman of the Salisbury Bee Keepers’ Group. In this talk Tony will be combining both his ‘day job’ and his hobby to explain why genetic fitness is important in the bee population.