Salisbury Cafe Sci banner image

  • Wessex-BESS survey on the benefits of Wiltshire green places

    Wessex BESS are undertaking a community survey to gather information regarding outdoor places and the benefits you get from your local countryside. They need your help! The research is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and results will contribute towards future land management in the county. It is studying different ways that biodiversity…

  • Autumn Season starts tomorrow evening – Tuesday 2nd September

    The new season of talks for 2014-15 begins tomorrow evening with a humdinger from Prof. David Dunmur on Liquid Crystals: the fourth state of matter and today’s flat-screen displays. His Oxford University Press book is also on promotion at present; David will have some copies with him, so it can be snapped up for the…

  • Festival of Learning 2014

    This week at Bournemouth University, there are over 150 free events taking place as part of the Festival of Learning – which is open to the public. Fancy going on a kitchen safari to see what bacteria lurk in your food? How about unleashing your inner monkey, uncovering the history that lies beneath Hengistbury Head,…

  • Sense about Science

    The December talk will be given by Dr. Chris Peters, who will be talking about his work as the Campaigns and Policy officer for Sense about Science, “a charitable trust that equips people to make sense of scientific and medical claims in public discussion.” There will be an opportunity for the audience to hunt down…

  • GKN Hybrid Power

    The November talk will be given by Tim Rumney (New Product Introduction Manager) and Glen Pascoe (Project Engineer) both of GKN Hybrid Power, a subsidiary of GKN Land Systems. They will be talking about their innovative vehicle hybrid drive system called Gyrodrive that uses flywheel technology as the energy store in place of batteries. The…

  • Milk: Friend or Foe…?

    The October talk will be given by Prof. Ian Givens, professor of Food Chain Nutrition at the University of Reading. Milk and dairy products have had a mixed press in recent times, from being blamed for cancer, diabetes, allergies and even acne, to being praised for their benefits as ‘superfoods’. Dairy products are an important…

  • Liquid Crystals: the fourth state of matter and today’s flat-screen displays

    The September talk will be given by Prof. David Dunmur, visiting professor at the University of Manchester in the Liquid Crystal Group and co-author of Soap, Science and Flatscreen TVs (with Tim Sluckin). Although liquid crystals were discovered 125 years ago, they might have been forgotten as a scientific backwater had not a little known…

  • Med-Vet-Net – Co-ordinated research on Zoonotic Diseases in Europe

    The July talk will be given by Prof. Dianne Newell of the Food-borne Zoonoses Consultancy. Amongst her many achievements, including an OBE for services to science, Dianne was the driving force behind the Med-Vet-Net project about which she will be speaking: Dianne initiated, designed, planned, implemented and directed the EU-funded Network of Excellence Med-Vet-Net. This…

  • The Russian Doctor

    The June talk will be given by performer Andrew Dawson, with neurophysiologist Jonathan Cole. They will be presenting their work the Russian Doctor. For this month only, we would like to encourage donations of £5 to cover the additional costs of this event. Your help with this would be most appreciated; big thanks in advance!…

  • Duncan Dallas

    Some of you will have heard the sad news of the death of the founder of the Café Scientifique movement, Duncan Dallas.

Got any book recommendations?